3 Secrets for Using Social Media to Get Your Next Financial Modeling Job

Social media is a way of life today. From staying in touch with your family and finding your next date to establishing networking contacts and finding a job, we use social media in every aspect of life. As a financial modeling job seeker, you would be remiss to not engage in the social media game to look for you next job.  But it is vital that you do it the right way or social media becomes a hindrance rather than a help.  Below are three secrets for using social media to land your next financial modeling job.

Engage in It – It is not effective to just post your resume on LinkedIn, post a Facebook status update that you are looking for a job, and then occasionally tweeting that you are still looking for a job. Using social media as a job-seeking tool requires more than passive use. Do not inundate your friend and professional contact list; engage in conversations, join discussion forums, and search for the right people to follow on twitter.

Know Your Audience – Facebook and Twitter are not for every recruiter and company. Some prefer other forums or groups. Whether the company you are interested in has a strong presence on LinkedIn or your professional audience typically utilizes Google+ is important to know. Do your research and figure out where the recruiters for the financial modeling industry frequent and focus your efforts properly for the best results.

Share Information – An occasional plug that you are on a job search is fine but daily tweets asking for job leads is not just annoying but improper use of social media. To be attractive to a company or recruiter you want to share information, engage in conversations, and show your knowledge and skills in the industry. Sharing good information and valuable advice will get your noticed. Even a new person to the industry has ideas and resources to share. Sharing can be a key component to getting attention on social media.

Using social media effectively to get your next financial modeling job can take some work but may pay off exponentially once you have that next job. Don’t be afraid to try new things and get out there and socialize.