9 Things That Highly Productive Financial Modeling Professionals Do NOT Do

Being a successful financial modeling professional should obviously be the goal of anyone in your field. Therefore, it is important to be productive in order to be successful.  The most successful people are focused and determined. If you are striving for success, there are many things that highly product financial modeling professionals do NOT do in order to stay focused and be productive.

DO NOT MULTI TASK – Though multi-tasking seems necessary and important to know how to do, the most productive financial modeling professionals do not multi task. They focus on the task at hand and get it done in a timely manner. It is important to be able to concentrate on one task and give it your full attention in order to be productive.

DO NOT WORRY ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK – Highly productive financial modeling professionals are not worried about what other think about them or what they are doing. They do not need validation from others in order to succeed, or feel that they are successful.

DO NOT LET DISTRACTIONS BECOME A PROBLEM – When being a highly productive financial modeling professional, one must be able to work through distractions and not be completely derailed by them.  There will be distractions in the work place. Knowing how to work in spite of them is critical to success.

DO NOT PROCRASTINATE – Productive and successful financial modeling professionals do not procrastinate. They work on the task as soon as they can and get it finished in a timely manner without waiting until the last minute to work on the project or task thus eliminating “thrown together” or haphazard work.

DO NOT SET UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS – Successful financial modeling professionals do not set unrealistic expectation for themselves or those that work for them. They set realistic goals and set themselves up to succeed not fail. Unrealistic expectations can cause disappointment and frustration. Setting achievable goals and preparing for bumps in the road helps one be properly prepared and therefore successful.

DO NOT SAY YES TO EVERYTHING – It is important to be able to say yes to new projects and additional work that can broaden your job description; however, it is also important for financial modeling professionals to know when to say “no.” Highly successful people know they cannot say yes to everything or please everyone and therefore assess whether they can or should say yes before agreeing to something.

DO NOT GOSSIP – It may be stereotypical that everyone in the office gossips around the water cooler. However, successful financial modeling professionals do not partake in such gossip. It is unprofessional and can only lead to issues or problems. Successful people have better ways to spend their time than gossiping about others in the workplace.

DO NOT ACT HASTILY – Highly successful people do not act hastily. They consider the decision at hand in detail and ensure they are making the best decision for the situation before making it. They carefully weigh their options before committing to something.

DO NOT GIVE UP – Financial modeling professionals who are successful do not give up. They do not give up on a task, a plan, or a task. If they agree to complete an assignment or a task they complete it to the best of their ability, even if it gets difficult or time consuming. Highly successful financial modeling professionals stay the course and do not give up.