Marketing Yourself for Your Next Financial Modeling Promotion

Trying to get where you want to go in a company, especially a big company, can take some strategic career planning.  Sitting on the side lines and doing your job isn’t always all that is necessary to move up the ladder.  A little self-marketing can go a long way in securing your next financial modeling promotion.  Follow some of these tips for self-marketing to help you meet your goals.

Give your boss regular progress reports.  This can be an excellent way to show what you are doing and give your boss something to refer to when thinking about who might be right for the next job.  Regular communication with your boss keeps your performance in front of him or her. Don’t forget to use charts and graphs. They are easy to read and refer to and will look professional.

Make your boss look good too.  Making your boss look good too will make you look good to your boss. This is possible by giving timely and professional communication and reports to your boss as well as meeting or beating deadlines and quotas. A good financial modeling employee will make his or her boss look good and in turn his whole department.

Market yourself to others, not just your boss.  Yes, you may want to continue to work in your financial modeling department or on your team, but that does not mean that you shouldn’t go out and let others know what you are up to and what is going well.  Though you will likely want to keep this to informal self-marketing, there is no reason you cannot talk yourself up to other in you company. You never know who might be listening and what they have to offer.