Using LinkedIn to find your Next Financial Modeling Job

We all know that networking is the key to finding most jobs.  In today’s market, networking includes social media.  Whether you are looking for your first financial modeling job or just looking to make a move within your field, utilizing LinkedIn can be an excellent way to make your job search known.

In case you do not know, LinkedIn at is a professional networking website that allows you to link with friends, colleagues and professionals to share personal and professional information. It is fast becoming a top networking website.  Allowing many job seekers to find jobs by connecting with companies and professionals that are seeking particular skills, LinkedIn is a popular site for job seekers.

You can search for a company you are interested in working for and see if you know someone on LinkedIn that is associated with that company. If not, you may have a friend or colleague who is on LinkedIn that knows someone at the company in which you are interested. LinkedIn also has premium paid services for job seekers that allows you to pay a monthly price that will get you noticed, let you see who is viewing your profile, and even contact people within a profession or with a company that you are not already linked with.

For the serious financial modeling job seeker, LinkedIn is an avenue that should not be ignored. Since networking is the key to getting a job, it is important to utilize every networking medium available.  In a competitive job market, it is important to connect with professionals in your field.  Connecting through LinkedIn could have you on your way to finding that next financial modeling job.