Mastering Twitter to Find Your Next Financial Modeling Job

One of the newest and hottest online self-marketing tools available to financial modeling job seekers is Twitter. Therefore, effectively using Twitter is a great way to find your next job.  Learning to master the art of tweeting can be very import for today’s job seekers.

Follow these steps to using Twitter to find your next financial modeling job.

Step 1Set up your profile.  The first step to using Twitter effectively for your job search is to set up your complete profile. An incomplete profile will show poor attention to detail and limit your chances of being taken seriously.

Step 2Establish followers. Most job seekers that land jobs via Twitter have a good following on Twitter. That means you need to have valuable tweets that people want to follow.  To have a good following on Twitter means that many people are reading what you tweet and want to share (retweet) your posts.

Step 3Follow people. Find people to follow. Contact them directly with @ use occasionally. Do not inundate them with tweets. Follow companies in which you are interested. Follow people that work for companies you want to work for in the future.  Respond to tweets that companies and individuals send out to interact with them and establish a rapport.

Step 4Stay Engaged. Most people that find jobs via Twitter have many followers and are engaged with their followers as well as those that they follow.  Building a relationship with your followers is essential to using Twitter effectively.